About The Artist
Mohammad Haroon
Mohammad Haroon is a British born artist residing in West Yorkshire. Coming from a religious background, Mohammad wasn't raised like others, his parents removed the television from the house at the age of 10 years old. To overcome his boredom he started to explore his creative side using colouring books and sketch pads. This was the very beginning of his artistic journey.
At the age of 14 years he joined The Institute of Islamic Education. It was here were he learnt Naskh and Nastaliq ; two of the Arabic Calligraphic scripts under the supervision of his teacher Moulana Muzzafar (Saheb). He also graduated as a scholar of Islamic Sciences and Arabic literature completing the Dars e Nidhami by the age of 24 Years.
Mohammad started to get recognition in his Institute for his writing abilities and would help and encourage other students on improving their handwriting. During the last 2 years of his studies he started selling artworks using social media. These artworks at the time were personalised hand painted canvases which were sold internationally. This was the dawn of Canvas Wonders.
As time went on Mohammad had to face other challenges and set backs due to family and health issues. However, this didn't stop him from learning. He taught himself Graphic Design so he could create digital artworks and create hand crafted company logos as many had requested.
Mohammad now creates art out of inspiration. As each artwork speaks it's own story. He continues to challenge himself creatively by approaching each painting as an opportunity to try something new. He strives very hard to make each and every piece reflect the person that he is and the artist he is becoming.